School Services FAQs

School Bus Services 

Our nearest bus stop is too far away. What can I do?

If you live more than 1.6 kilometres from the nearest bus stop or the stop doesn’t serve the school you need, Transport for NSW’s School Student Transport Scheme may help. You may qualify for travel assistance to a nearby interchange.

Bus Passes

Is my child eligible for a school bus pass? 

To check eligibility, contact Transport for NSW at 131 500 or visit their website

How do I apply for a bus pass for my child? 

Apply for a bus pass on the Transport for NSW website. Once completed, the school must verify the application. 

My child isn’t eligible for free travel. What are our options? 

If your child is close to the eligibility threshold, you will receive paperwork by mail. To request a review based on walking distance or safety, follow the instructions provided. If subsidised travel isn’t approved, and you believe there are special circumstances, you can appeal. Otherwise, your child can pay per trip or buy a Term Pass to travel.

Can my child use the bus pass for daycare or to visit friends/family? 

No, the bus pass only covers trips between home and school (or a designated interchange). Any other trips will require a fare payment. 

Can my child use their bus pass on weekends or holidays? 

No, the pass is only valid for school travel Monday to Friday, 6.00am to 6.00 pm during school terms. Travel on weekends, holidays, or public holidays requires fare payment. 

What if my child needs to travel between two homes due to shared custody?

For assistance, please contact Transport for NSW at 131 500.